Media Memo 8

Throughout this class, we will develop critical media literacy skills; learning how to assess, analyze and evaluate the content of different kinds of popular culture (just like academic texts).


In order to do this, first learn about Stuart Halls representation theory. Watch this video:


Also watch this video on Edward Saids theory of Orientalism:


Choose any popular culture media representations of Sikhs in the US or elsewhere. This can be a representation like films, television/serials, performances, a music video, visual art, or advertisement or advertising campaign. First, assess the audiences of reception. Who is this media representation meant for and why? (Examples: people within the Sikh community and if so, who; the larger American public, other national governments like India, a mainstream White gaze)? Second, assess the producers of the media. Can you find out anything about who created the media representation and why?


Attempt a critical analysis of the media representation. Analyze visuals, discourse (words), content and messaging using an intersectional analysis of secularism/religion, (neo)liberal capitalism, nationalism, class, caste, race, gender, sexuality, etc.


What kinds of meanings are being conveyed by the media example you chose? How do you understand this media representation in relation to Halls representation theory and Saids theory of Orientalism, as well as what you have been learning about Sikhs and Sikh communities in class?  How do you understand the relationship between media representation and on-the-ground social practices and reality?


500 words minimum-post online with the popular culture example (links are fine)!


Please respond to all questions in order to receive full credit. Remember that the media memo is 20 percent of your grade, so please attempt your best effort on this assignment.