Discussion Post

For this discussion, you will provide additional details about your program and community.  Use the criteria below to complete this discussion topic: 

****Please research Chicago Commons for this discussion post. 


Part 1- Program and Community Information:

  • Using your course resources and criteria from the module to develop a community profile.
  • Provide a brief description of the program. Where is the program located? What is the neighborhood like? How many children does it serve? How many teachers/staff?  OR 
  • Provide a brief description of the type of program you would like to open/work for/with. Where do you anticipate the program will be located?  How many children would you like to serve? How many teachers/staff will you employ? What will the parent community be like?

Part 2- Program Mission, Vision, and Goals:  

Your mission and vision statements are a work in progress.  You will use this discussion throughout the term in order to perfect your mission and vision.  If you get stuck when trying to create your mission statement and/or your vision statement, you should post the information you have and allow your peers to help you.  Everyone in the discussion should be providing constructive feedback that helps your peers grow in this area. This is a new process for many of us and it is best to collaborate with one another to gain the most out of the experience.