business report Pinpoint Promotions

Pinpoint Promotions West Haven CT company

c. Create/describe/set the decision context or environment (i.e. describe the consumers,
competition, channels, controls, and constraints)
d. Clearly identify and justify at-least three domestic trends that could be a challenge to

the company/organization based on the decision context described in c. In addition, no more than three options should be described.
e. Cleary identifies and justify at-least one global trend that could be a challenge to the
f. Explain the effect of technology on the business (i.e. changing consumer habits).
g. Identify at least three potential solutions to tackle the challenges from global and
domestic trends (i.e. use the 4Ps to generate solutions).
h. Use proper language and avoid using SMS or Facebook, social media language. In
addition, all the reports must be proofread twice before you submit them.