Choose a case study (located under the Course Home) about an individual with a mental disorder.

Choose a case study (located under the Course Home) about an individual with a mental disorder.

Ps440 unit 8
To begin your Assignment, do a search of the Library and the internet. You are also to use course material, but your project should include at least four additional references from the library and/or the internet (your final Assignment must include one library resource). The internet sources you use for the Assignment should be credible. You should not use internet sites such as Wikipedia where anyone can post information or Your information should be from acceptable psychological or medical societies, such as the National Institute of Health, Web MD, etc.

You will address the following areas that are outlined in the patient portfolio document. Part 2 through Part 4 of the patient portfolio should be a minimum of 675 words. All work should be in the student’s own words with quotes used very sparingly. No more than 10% of the work should be direct quotations.Complete the document in 4–5 pages (approximately 1200 words),

1. Choose a case study (located under the Course Home) about an individual with a mental disorder. The Assignment has to be about one of the case studies located on the “case studies” page in the classroom.

2. Fill in the sections in the Patient Profile (Template is located by clicking on the link on the Assignment page). Write/type directly into the Word document. Do not modify the template. Submit the Patient Profile to your dropbox.

3. Once you have selected a case study (mental disorder), you will need to use the DSM-5 to complete the patient’s background information in Part 1. You simply look up the disorder in the DSM-5 and identify which of the symptoms the person in the case study is experiencing. The DSM-5 is located in Purdue Global’s DSM Library. In the section where you are to list the symptoms, they must come from the DSM and cite the manual in APA style. I do not want to see secondary sources used to match the symptoms.

4. For Part 2, discuss one of the cognitive or behavioral theories from the textbook that we learned about earlier in the course. (See chapter 2 and the chapter that pertains to your chosen disorder). (a) Tell your reader about the theory in general so that he/she has enough information to understand it. (b) Then, explain how the individual in the case study may have developed his/her disorder according to the theory you discussed.

NOTE: this is not to be about treatment.

5. Part 3, discuss one of the biological approaches from the textbook– either genetic or neurological. (a) Tell your reader about the theory in general so that he/she has enough information to understand it. (b) Then, explain how the individual in the case study may have developed his/her disorder according to the theory you discussed.

NOTE: this is not to be about treatment.

6. Part 4, discuss a theory from the social, cultural, or interpersonal relationship approach from the textbook. (A) Tell your reader about the theory in general so that he/she has enough information to understand it. (B) Then, explain how the individual in the case study may have developed his/her disorder according to the theory you discussed.

NOTE: this is not to be about treatment.

7. Part 5:1, Now start discussing treatments. Start by discussing medical approaches (e.g., ECT, prescription medications, psychosurgery, or current medical devises). Note, medical approaches are not psychotherapies.

8. Part 5:2, compare and contrast the side effects from the medical approach mentioned in part 5:1, and discuss the benefits that treatment could have on neurotransmitter activity. Please do not use your own opinion to support this section.

9. Part 5:3, Discuss a particular psychotherapy option. These are regular therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy, exposure therapy, etc). Specifically, explain how the therapy would help the patient. For example, cognitive therapy is designed to help patient modify their negative thoughts.

The project should include at least four additional references other than the textbook that come from the library and/or the internet (your final Assignment must include one library resource). Note: The DSM-5 to complete Part 1 does not count towards the number of references, and it needs to be cited in part 1.

Answer preview Choose a case study (located under the Course Home) about an individual with a mental disorder.

Choose a case study (located under the Course Home) about an individual with a mental disorder.


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