The purpose of this assignment is to help you identify, evaluate, grasp, and demonstrate comprehension of significant content from the week’s readings.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you identify, evaluate, grasp, and demonstrate comprehension of significant content from the week’s readings.

Reading Reflection Discussion Thread: Hope Focused Marriage Counseling


The purpose of this assignment is to help you identify, evaluate, grasp, and demonstrate comprehension of significant content from the week’s readings.
In a well-written, minimum 500-word essay (total assignment), reflect on the elements below related to your assigned reading (listed below) for the Module this week. Your reflection must demonstrate familiarity and intentional interaction with the reading content by identifying themes, concepts, and principles in the content. Be clear, concise, and specific, presenting your information in a doctoral level of writing construction.
• In this section, reflect on content that was new to you and added to your knowledge of pre-marital and marital counseling.
• Be detailed and explore each area fully
• Use parenthetical references to cite quoted information.
• In this section, organize the material from your Discovery section and reflect on content with which you agree, disagree, or have concerns.
• Be detailed and explain each area fully as to agreement, disagreement, or concern.
• Use parenthetical references to cite quoted information.
Influenced Thinking
• In this section, reflect on how the content has influenced your thinking on pre-marital and marital counseling.
• Be specific and explain fully; use parenthetical references to cite quoted information.
Application in Present or Future Ministry
• In this section, include a simple summation of how the week’s content may be applied in a present of future ministry setting.
Important Information
• Review the Reading Reflection Discussion Grading Rubric for this assignment to fully understand how your work will be evaluated.
• Use each assignment element as a section heading in bold font
• Include sufficient information to address each area fully.

Detailed Instructions and Assigned Reading for this week

Discovery Reflect on content that was new to you and added to your knowledge of pre-marital and marital counseling – Partially Included – your content in this section reflects only one text of the assigned reading, and reads as an expression of the assigned reading with limited explanation for why your content was discoveries. For this reading reflection assignment, please include all texts for the week if only to note there was no new information discovered.

• Read: Worthington: Chapters 5 – 8
• Read: Clinton & Trent: pp. 122 – 127 and 163 – 181
• Read: Henry, Figueroa, & Miller: Chapter 24

Be detailed and explore each area fully Use parenthetical references to cite quoted information – cited Agreement/Disagreement/Concerns Organize the material from your Discovery section and reflect on content with which you agree, disagree, or have concerns – Included Be detailed and explain each area fully as to agreement, disagreement, or concern. Use parenthetical references to cite quoted information – cited Influenced Thinking Reflect on how the content has influenced your thinking on pre-marital and marital counseling -included Be specific and explain fully; use parenthetical references to cite quoted information Application in Present or Future Ministry Include a simple summation of how the week’s content may be applied in a present of future ministry setting – included

Answer preview the purpose of this assignment is to help you identify, evaluate, grasp, and demonstrate comprehension of significant content from the week’s readings.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you identify evaluate grasp and demonstrate comprehension of significant content from the week’s readings.


622 words