What does York mean by that expression?

What does York mean by that expression?

The Politics of Digital Geographies
First, read the attached file, then please reflect on it, using two of the following questions to guide your reflection.
1. The above reading critiques the idea of a borderless internet. What does York mean by that expression? Do you agree? Why or why not?
2. In Conneally’s video lecture on digital humanitarianism he suggests that humanitarianism needs to move into the digital age and that businesses can help do this? What might be the advantages and disadvantages of humanitarianism becoming more digital? What might be the advantages and disadvantages of using businesses to make this shift?
3. Consider Seattle’s open data initiative (data.seattle.gov (Links to an external site.)). How might you use some of the data available there to build an app that benefits the city? What can be gained from inviting the public to use data about the city? What are the risks?
4. Consider Uber’s use of grayballing. Are there legitimate uses of grayballing? Are there illegitimate uses of grayballing? Why are city government’s trying to regulate Uber in the first place?
5. Is algorithmic governance fair? How does algorithmic governance produce bias? Give an example and explain the techniqurswes used and who is advantaged/disadvantaged.

Answer preview what does York mean by that expression?

What does York mean by that expression


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