Analyze new port scanning threats.

Analyze new port scanning threats.

a Lesson 6 Assignment: Top Ports and Rising Ports Review

Learning Objectives and Outcomes
 Analyze new port scanning threats.

Assignment Requirements provides a listing of ports that are being scanned across a variety of networks and systems. This assignment requires you to list the top three ports of two different categories—top port category and rising port category—and explain why these ports are the top ports. For example:Port 443: This is the secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) port. Scanning of this may indicate vulnerability in secure Web services.
Tip:You may search Web sites that list common services for unfamiliar ports.

Complete the following steps for this assignment:
1. Visit the Website’s reports page at
2. Review the Top 10 Ports chart on the page.
3. Select the top three ports from the By Targets category.
4. Scroll down and click on Trends button that takes you to another screen.
5. Review the chart displaying Top 10 Rising Ports and select the top three rising ports.
6. List the six ports you selected and explain what services are commonly associated with these ports and the reasons for them being the top most ports in each category.

Required Resources
 Access to the Internet

Submission Requirements
 Format: Microsoft Word
 Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double-Space
 Citation Style: APA
 Length: 1–2 pages

Self-Assessment Checklist
 I have explained what service is commonly associated with each port identified.
 I have explained why each port is a likely target.
 I have explained why the top 10 targeted ports on DShield’s Website are the top targets.

Answer preview Analyze new port scanning threats.

Analyze new port scanning threats.


346 words