The nature and prevalence of bullying at x School

The nature and prevalence of bullying at x School

Starting a business in developing countries

The nature and prevalence of bullying at x School

The researcher has been approached by x School to undertake a school based survey, with the overarching aim of examining the well-being of pupils currently attending the school. In particular the survey aims to:
• Identify the nature and prevalence of bullying at x School
• Assess the level of school enjoyment among pupils
• Examine the use of technology among pupils and identify the prevalence of risky online behaviours
• Provide the school with an indication of the levels of psychological well being among pupils
• Identify whether bullying is related to school achievement

Proposal-Example (1)

Answer preview the nature and prevalence of bullying at x School

The nature and prevalence of bullying at x School


586 words