Supply Chain Management – Group research project Overview

Supply Chain Management – Group research project Overview

Supply Chain Management – Group research project Overview

Baldrige award winner group research project – You will be assigned to a group of 5-6 students, with each group representing one Baldrige award winning organization. Each group will prepare a 10-minute lesson plan to teach their assigned organization to the class. Each group should:

(1) provide a history of the company (Hailey)

(2) explain the major products and/or services provided by the company (Ally)

(3)  why is the organization “award-winning”?(Aziz)


(4) detail the applicable primary Supply Chain functions of the company (Caitlin, and everyone should help her with this since it is a big chunk of the presentation)

logistics and distribution

quality initiatives

lean implementation

product and/or process innovations

materials management processes

sustainability initiatives

other key Supply Chain information

(5) your team’s analysis of the of these processes;  how do they compare with the textbook’s information? (Alabdali)


10-15 ppt slides;  including notes on each slide that details the “talking points” for the information presented

4-6 sources (not including the textbook);  any source other than an academic journal needs prior approval from the professor

May include short video clips, etc during the class lesson/presentation

All team members must actively participate in the presentation

Business casual or professional attire is expected

To turn-in to the professor the day of your presentation:

An outline of the presentation (include sources)

A hard copy of the presentation (3 slides to a page)

A breakdown of each team members contribution to the overall project

Our organization we are researching is Texas Nameplate Co., Inc.

To find Texas Nameplate Co., Inc:

Go to this link

Click on the left side tab “Award Recipients”

In the box that says “Year” click on “2004”

Scroll and find “Texas Nameplate”

From there you can explore the company’s profile and summary

Recommended Supply Chain websites —->this is the main Baldrige website that everyone can access to learn the basics about our company


Answer preview  Supply Chain Management – Group research project Overview

Supply Chain Management - Group research project Overview


590 words