Define a packet analyzer and describe its use

Define a packet analyzer and describe its use

1) examine WireShark, a well-used network-packet analyzer. For this discussion:

Define a packet analyzer and describe its use

List commonly used packet analyzers (beyond WireShark)

List best practices for analyzing packets

Describe uses (good and bad, ie. hacker) of a packet analyzer

Discuss ways you would protect your own network data from being analyzed

Ideally, attach a screen shot showing and discussing an analyzer’s use.

2) One of the ways businesses provide secure access to their network (or a subset of their network) to remote (or mobile) users is to use virtual private networks (VPNs). VPNs allow users to connect securely (over an encrypted link) to a network. For this discussion:

Define the term virtual private network

Discuss the goal(s) of a VPN

Describe different types of VPNs (hardware or software based)

Discuss how the use of a VPN may support BYOD (bring your own device)

List several commonly available (open source) VPNs

Describe best practices for using a VPN

Answer preview  Define a packet analyzer and describe its use

Define a packet analyzer and describe its use


1036 words