Why does Tyler keep Zak around?

Why does Tyler keep Zak around?

Of Mice & Men – Peanut Butter Falcon (Text to Movie Comparison)

NAME _________________________________________
Of Mice & Men – Peanut Butter Falcon
Text to Movie Comparison
Make at least 6 comparisons/connections between the following characters from The Peanut Butter Falcon & Of Mice and Men. Focus on similarities in character traits specifically

For each question, write at least 3 sentences to compare The Peanut Butter Falcon & Of Mice and Men.
1. Why does Tyler keep Zak around? What are his true motivations? How is this similar to George’s relationship with Lennie and his motivations for keeping Lennie around?

2. What “dreams for the future” do Tyler and Zak have? How are they similar or different to the dreams George and Lenny had. Do you see their dreams change as you progress through the movie?

3. What stops or scenes on their trip look familiar to the journey of our protagonists in “Of Mice and Men”? Discuss a particular scene from the movie and what it reminds you of from the text.

4. Think of the relationship between George & Lennie/ Zak & Tyler. How does the difference in time period affect the bond between them? It’s safe to say that the relationship between Zak and Tyler is stronger and even healthier. How might the time in which the movie is set make this possible?

5. Consider the scene when Eleanor, Zak, and Tyler are cornered by the fishermen and Zak has to defend Tyler. Why is this role reversal so significant? Is it similar to any of George’s actions in the text?

6. This ending is much more optimistic and uplifting. Do you enjoy this ending for our characters? Is it a realistic ending? Why or why not?

Answer preview why does Tyler keep Zak around?

Why does Tyler keep Zak around


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