begin by identifying three large ideas or concepts from the class that you found interesting /provocative/revelatory/worthy of remembering.

begin by identifying three large ideas or concepts from the class that you found interesting /provocative/revelatory/worthy of remembering.

Course Learning Reflection (worth up to 250 + 5 bonus points)

Please begin by identifying three large ideas or concepts from the class that you found interesting /provocative/revelatory/worthy of remembering. Each of your three 500-word reflections should fall into two parts:

Part A (250+ words): Carefully identify/frame this idea (as if explaining it to a friend). Why did you find it important (i.e., why do you choose it)? Did it reinforce or contradict your previous thinking? Please specifically reference one of the course readings in this portion.

Part B (250+ words): How would you connect this idea to any of the course learning outcomes (pop culture as a reflection of social/historical context; the relationship to a commodity culture; assumptions of embedded race, class, generation, and/or gender)? How might you fit these new or reinforced understandings of pop culture fit into your life? Please include both general and specific examples of resulting thinking and/or behavioral shifts.

Answer preview begin by identifying three large ideas or concepts from the class that you found interesting /provocative/revelatory/worthy of remembering.

begin by identifying three large ideas or concepts from the class that you found interesting /provocative/revelatory/worthy of remembering.


2056 words