Luke 6:27-31 is the Golden Rule for Christians.

Luke 6:27-31 is the Golden Rule for Christians.

Golden Rules

Question 4
Luke 6:27-31 is the Golden Rule for Christians. The three major principles of total quality are Customer focus, participation and teamwork, and continuous learning and improvement. In any business, the focus should be on the customer and providing the best service possible because Luke 6:31 states “Also just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them.”(NWT). This scripture is also in harmony with teamwork because all people must put in work if they want to succeed as a team. With everyone wanting the same goal, Luke 6:31 is the best principle to follow. Continuous learning should be the goal in every business because the more knowledge you have, the better you will be at your job and providing the best service to your customers. The principle of continuous improvement is best expressed in the scripture Luke 6:30 stating “Give to everyone asking you…”(NWT). Trainings and additional education must be offered to your staff to make sure they can keep up with the fast -paced changes of today. Overall, it is hard to manage a business in a biblical worldview while we are living in the last days; however, keeping Luke 6:30 and 31 in mind, management can continue to provide their business with the best quality principles.

Satterlee, B. C. (2018). International Business with Biblical Worldview. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York., & Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. (1973). Comprehensive concordance of the New World translation of the Holy Scriptures. Brooklyn: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York.

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Luke 6:27-31 is the Golden Rule for Christians.


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