Economic growth has created immense wealth in some areas of the globe, but left others behind.

Economic growth has created immense wealth in some areas of the globe, but left others behind.

Economic Growth

Question 5:
Economic growth has created immense wealth in some areas of the globe, but left others behind. Proverbs 14:31 tells us about God’s special concern for the poor. He insists that people who have material goods should be generous with those who are needy (NIV, 1991). Providing for the poor is not just a suggestion in the Bible, it is a command that may require the attitude of seeking to improve the economic welfare across all nations. Global Education is a Christian ministry that was created in 2010 to open schools in places like Mexico to use education as a tool for sharing the gospel. Families are given the opportunities to become part of the school regardless of their economic status (GEM, 2020). Global Missions is another ministry that uses education to provide the support that impoverished communities need to succeed in their area (GMM, 2020). Education is essential for every society and individual. Education helps for bringing about total national development by developing its all aspects i.e., social, economic, cultural, moral, and educational, thus it can be a real panacea for all social evils (Sharma, n.d.). According to the OECD, participation in higher education matters more than ever. Disadvantages in education and the labor market translate into differences in socioeconomic outcomes. To achieve equality in education, countries should target funding and resources for education to those from disadvantaged backgrounds (OECD, 2018). I believe Christian ministries could bridge that gap. The money and love that funds these ministries are available to believers and non-believers alike. It is through this outpouring of love, money, and education into disadvantaged communities that many non-believers have become followers of Jesus. The bible tells us in Acts 10:35 that Peter realized that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right (NIV, 1991). God was making it clear that the Good News is for everyone and we should not allow language, culture, economic level, or educational level to keep us from telling other about Christ. The OECD could partner with the educational ministries already in place in developing nations across the globe since Christian principles encourage cooperation with governing authorities.
Global Education Ministries. (2020)


Global Missions Ministries
Life Application Bible. (1988, 1989, 1990, 1991) New International Version. Tyndale.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. (2018, November 9). More effort needed to improve quality of education.
Sharma, A. (n.d.-a). What are the functions of education towards individual, society, and country?

What are the functions of education towards individual, society and country?

Faith Instructions 12.04.2020 UPDATE

Answer preview economic growth has created immense wealth in some areas of the globe, but left others behind.

Economic growth has created immense wealth in some areas of the globe but left others behind.


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