What kind of foster care is being described in this video (referring back to McWey & Woljciak)?

What kind of foster care is being described in this video (referring back to McWey & Woljciak)?

Short Answer Questions/Reflections

Part B: Short Answer Questions/Lecture Prompts from Unit #4
A very strong Part B will be at least 1 double-spaced page, excluding the instructions.

1. (Week 12) Look back at the Three Realms of ACES, (a) name 2 ACES from Realm 2 and 2 ACES from Realm 3 and explain how the events of 2020 are relevant to these ACES, and then (b) pick 2 of your examples and explain how exposure to or experiencing these 2 examples could exacerbate ACES experienced in Realm 1.

2. (Week 15) After watching the grandparenting video, answer the following questions: (a) What kind of foster care is being described in this video (referring back to McWey & Woljciak)? (b) What additive challenges might grandparents who are raising their grandchildren face during 2020? In your response, think about the pandemic along with other national stressors that families are facing

Part C: Unit #4 Reflection
In this unit, we covered a variety of topics related to adverse childhood (and family experiences), including what ACES, risks and protective factors, grief and loss, family violence, substance misuse and addiction, harm reduction model, navigating divorce, separation and co-parenting, and foster families. We also learned how these familial challenges have been altered or worsened in 2020.
Respond to both of the prompts below. A very strong Part C reflection will be at least 3 double-spaced pages, excluding the instructions.
In previous papers, some of you have met the basic criteria in the past but didn’t really dig deeper into your reflection and stayed more at a surface level. You will lose points for not going deeper in this reflection. Type through your thinking and the why behind your response.
1. Describe two “ah hah!” moments you had during this unit. By “ah hah!” moments, I refer to moments when you were reading, watching, or listening to something and a lightbulb goes off where you better understand something, something changed your thinking, or something you wondered about became clarified. Discuss each moment and explain why they were important to you. In contrast, you can describe moments you had where content made you uncomfortable or challenged you in ways you didn’t necessarily expect. You’ll need to unpack why these feelings arouse for you.
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-web-violence/202003/if-you-are-locked-down-someone-who-may-become-violent(first moment)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKcNyfXbQzQ (Second moment)

2. Choose 2 items that were assigned this unit that you wish EVERYONE in the country had to engage with. Explain why you made these choices.


Answer preview what kind of foster care is being described in this video (referring back to McWey & Woljciak)?

What kind of foster care is being described in this video (referring back to McWey & Woljciak)


1526 words