Designing Career Development Plans With Clients

Designing Career Development Plans With Clients

To prepare for this assignment:

Review Chapter 8 “Designing Career Development Plans With Clients” of the course text, focusing on career development planning.

Review Figler and Bolles’ list of 12 key skills of the career counseling (p. 239-240).

Review the case study of Darren (Niles, Goodman, & Pope, 2002).

Think about how you would complete this vocational/career development plan.

Consider other steps you might take or things you might add to a vocational/career development plan for Darren.

The assignment: (1-2 pages)

Using the Hill and O’Brien (1999) Helping Skills Model Model (embedded in the course resource “Darren – The Case of the Unemployed Runaway”) describe the strategies/interventions that you would employ to support a client’s life work plan.

Develop a client to use for this Application Assignment. Consider using the client you developed for the Week 3 Application Assignment; do NOT use “Darren” from the resources

Briefly describe your client’s presenting problem.

What activities would you engage in for Stage One? (Exploration, pp. 231–232). What techniques would you use to develop rapport, express empathy, and encourage your client to “tell his story?”

For the second stage, Insight (p. 232). What areas would you focus on to gain deeper meaning and understanding of your client’s situation? How would you identify his strengths and weaknesses? What interpretations would you offer your client?

During the action stage (p. 232), what plans would you develop, how would you evaluate them, and what follow-up activity would you do with your client?

Include anything else that you would like to add to further develop the plan.

Answer preview Designing Career Development Plans With Clients

Designing Career Development Plans With Clients


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