What do you believe was the most important reform/change coming from the Progressive Era

What do you believe was the most important reform/change coming from the Progressive Era

What do you believe was the most important reform/change coming from the Progressive Era? Why? Were there any negative changes resulting from Progressive reforms? Explain.


Use only the materials provided in the course module or your assigned textbooks. We have vetted all materials in this course and other materials may or may not be appropriate for college level work. I will downgrade anyone who uses outside materials.

Remember what you have learned about thesis statements and evidence in the Historical Methods Portfolio. Your post should have a thesis statement and it should have both primary and secondary source evidence in support of the thesis

Don’t quote secondary sources. Paraphrase in your own words and then cite instead.

You must properly cite using the Turabian/Chicago style that you can find under “Writing Help” in the course menu to your left.



thesis statements (he marks you down drastically without thesis statement)

preview chapter 19-21.

Pls. this instructor is very strict on following his requirements. Please read the requirement before you start. NO outside sources he hates that. Use primary and secondary sources in the same textbook.

You must properly cite using the Turabian/ChicagoUse only the materials provided in the course module or your assigned textbooks.

Answer preview What do you believe was the most important reform/change coming from the Progressive Era

What do you believe was the most important reform/change coming from the Progressive Era


584 words