A brief description and motivation of the issue and why we should care about it

A brief description and motivation of the issue and why we should care about it

on national transmission of financial shocks: Based on the evidence from Chinese mutual fund portfoios

Copy of your thesis proposal (see instructions), containing a provisional title and a description of the topic to be researched. Your proposal can be in English or French.The proposal should not exceed three pages.

1) A brief description and motivation of the issue and why we should care about it;

Literature review
2) A summary of the academic literature, which demonstrates how the proposed research would add to existing knowledge;

3) An outline of the specific steps of the research project. The outline should include a sketch of the underlying theoretical arguments, the specifics of the proposed identification strategy, as well as the data sources to be used.

Answer preview a brief description and motivation of the issue and why we should care about it

A brief description and motivation of the issue and why we should care about it


1437 words