Find someone whose experience of the healthcare system is similar to your character’s experience.

Find someone whose experience of the healthcare system is similar to your character’s experience.

Healthcare Roleplay Scavenger Hunt
Character: _________________________
1) Find someone whose experience of the healthcare system is similar to your character’s experience. What’s the similarity?

2) Find someone who has been harmed by the current healthcare system. What harmed them? What changes might help them?

3) Find someone who likes something about the current healthcare system. What is positive
about their experience? What would they not want to change?

4) Find someone whose choices and options have been limited in our current healthcare
system. What choices would they want to have?

5) Find someone who has had to make life changes because of our healthcare system. How
did this person’s life change?

6) Find someone who has an idea about how our healthcare system should change. What
action could your character take, together with this person?

Answer preview find someone whose experience of the healthcare system is similar to your character’s experience.

Find someone whose experience of the healthcare system is similar to your character’s experience.


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