Venture out into the “real world”€ and observe and report on predictable behavior of workers in fast food and retail settings

Venture out into the “real world”€ and observe and report on predictable behavior of workers in fast food and retail settings

Venture out into the “real world”€ and observe and report on predictable behavior of workers in fast food and retail settings, producing a comparative analysis and report.

Alternative: If you cannot physically go to these locations, you will instead visit

websites for fast food restaurants and retail stores and look for scripting in the language of the websites.

Please differentiate this assignment from your discussion by focusing on workers. If you cannot physically go to these locations, then your paper should focus on the people presenting the products on the websites. What do they look like? What language is used to represent them?

From a personal standpoint, as a worker, have you ever worked in a situation where you were expected to market or promote products or services as part of your job duties? If so, were you required or encouraged to use scripting to deliver a certain message? How did you feel about doing this?

Guidelines for Submission: This paper must be two pages in length. It should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Answer preview Venture out into the “real world”€ and observe and report on predictable behavior of workers in fast food and retail settings

Venture out into the "real world"€ and observe and report on predictable behavior of workers in fast food and retail settings


631 words