Students will choose their own topic and prepare a research paper involving an ethical issue.

Students will choose their own topic and prepare a research paper involving an ethical issue.

Students will choose their own topic and prepare a research paper involving an ethical issue. An ethical issue is a problem or situation that requires a person or organization to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right (ethical) or wrong (unethical).See Instructions for Research Papers under “content” in the Falcon Online classroom.

The paper will be double spaced, 12 font, using New Times Roman. The paper should have a minimum of 1,200 words and should not exceed 1,500 words. The paper should be supported by a minimum of three (3) work cited sources. It should be completed in .doc, docx or .rtf format and submitted to the assignments folder by the due date.

The paper format is as follows: (**LABEL EACH SEPARATE SECTION**)

Title Page (1 page) – Subject topic, your name, course, professor and date.

Introduction (1 page) – Overall theme of the topic, backround and why it is important to discuss.

Body (3 pages) – Expand on the topic. What are the facts, differing views, or concerns.

Conclusion (1 page) – What do you think is the right thing to do and why.

Works Cited (1 page) using APA format

**Apply an ethical decision making strategy from the textbook to your analysis.**

If you are not familiar with APA format, you can find information on: or see a sample APA paper at:…

There are so many ethical issues that you shouldn’t have trouble in finding one that interests you to research and write about. If you are struggling to find a topic you might wish to go through the table of contents or index of our textbook early in the course and identify a general topic that interests you.

The grading of papers is subjective, and there is a range of possible points to be earned. In addition to the rubric or criteria stated below, your grade reflects your instructor’s perception of your writing style, the quality of the articles or literature evaluated, and how well you presented the topic and your conclusion.

80 – 100 points: Research papers that earn 80-100 points will be clearly and professionally presented as well as free of typographical and other errors. The quality of the articles or literature evaluated and their sources will be sound. The paper will follow the prescribed format and each part will be complete. The paper will be uploaded to the dropbox on or before the due date.

Answer preview Students will choose their own topic and prepare a research paper involving an ethical issue. Students will choose their own topic and prepare a research paper involving an ethical issue. 



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