Your organization has just updated its quality dashboard

Your organization has just updated its quality dashboard

Your organization has just updated its quality dashboard, and your CEO has asked each of the roles below to prepare a joint PowerPoint presentation in which they each prepare a set of slides outlining their analysis of how the new numbers will inform their particular activities for the next quarter.

For this assignment, analyze the Patient Safety and Quality Dashboard (located in the Resources) from the perspective of:

The director of quality.

The patient safety officer.

The risk manager.

Senior leadership.

Prepare 2-6 slides to present your analysis and conclusions for each role. Use the following outline to organize the content of your presentation:

Director of quality:

Describe how outcome measures are selected for the dashboard.

Describe the QI tools you used to obtain data, measure data, and report data. Describe the role of the quality improvement team in addressing the measures being reported.

Select one metric from the dashboard, analyze the measure associated with it, and prepare a brief action plan for leadership to consider based upon your analysis.

Describe what (if any) quality models can be used to increase the quality of patient care and outcomes for that metric. (for example, PDCA, Six Sigma, Lean, Hoshin Kanri planning, et cetera)

Patient safety officer:

Identify the areas of the dashboard that draw the attention of the patient safety officer.

Why are these potential areas for improvement?

What regulatory agencies may be concerned with the findings of this dashboard? Why?

Risk manager:

Identify the areas of the dashboard that draw the attention of the risk manager?

Why are these potential areas for risk?

Senior leader:

Identify next steps senior leadership might take with regard to the action plan and findings from this dashboard.

In general each slide should be concise and offer main ideas in bulleted format. Use the speaker notes to expand upon your findings as if it were the transcript to your presentation to leadership. Cite references in APA style in the speaker notes.


Your presentation will be 2-6 slides for each role, not including title and reference slides.

Cite a minimum of two references.

Format your speaker notes according to APA style.

Answer preview Your organization has just updated its quality dashboard

Your organization has just updated its quality dashboard

12 slides