Topic is GMO food and food security issue

Topic is GMO food and food security issue

My topic is GMO food and food security issue


In this assignment, you examine all of the evidence you have found in your research and begin to put it together into a structure—your outline—that will guide your writing.

Use the Attached file to start your outline.

You do not need a title page for this assignment, but you must write your name, the class, the date, and the assignment title at the start of your paper.

You must state your research question.

You must write a thesis statement which clearly identifies the topic and your position on the topic, and provides an overview of the arguments you will use to support your opinion.

You must outline at least three body paragraph topics.

You do not need to outline your introduction or conclusion paragraphs at this point.

You must provide a rationale for the order of the body paragraphs which explains why you think the order you chose is the most effective way.

Upload your paper as an MS Word document.

Skills and Knowledge Needed

an understanding of the elements of an effective thesis statement

an understanding of how to form arguments that support your thesis statement

an understanding of how ordering body paragraphs can affect how convincing and easy to follow your paper is to the audience

an understanding of the guidelines of this assignment


Taking the time to draft an outline can help you determine if your ideas connect to each other, what order of ideas works best, or where gaps in your thinking may exist. It also provides you with a plan for your writing so you are less likely to experience writer’s block.


Answer preview Topic is GMO food and food security issue

Topic is GMO food and food security issue


376 words