Traditionally, nutrition programs were targeted to the indigent and poor populations in developing countries

Traditionally, nutrition programs were targeted to the indigent and poor populations in developing countries

Traditionally, nutrition programs were targeted to the indigent and poor populations in developing countries. Many of today’s Americans are malnourished also, but they are inundated with unhealthy foods and require a multidisciplinary approach to nutrition education. What would be the three most important points to include in a public nutrition program? Provide current literature to support your answer and include two nutritional education community resources.

*Please site something from here too thanks. (APA citation)

*I also need 2 replys to classmates. If you can come up with two generic replys about 3-4 sentences long. Thanks

A public nutrition program most consist of good caloric intake, weight management an adequate physical activities. This will have to be ingrained in our youth as many of them have already been diagnosed with obesity(Edelman.)As nurses, we see this trend in our communities. This trend is a result of unhealthy and poor dietary intake causing these them to be obese. Obesity is not the only issue as they are malnourished as well(Edelman.). The health of these youth will impact health care since put them at risk for many preventable diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The youth have access to vending machines and home filled with an abundance of unhealthy snacks. They are bombarded commercial with deals they can’t pass. Almost every fast food chain has a deal for five dollars or less with very little nutritional value. The most healthier options are more costly.The multidisciplinary approach to nutrition education. The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed), formerly known as Food Stamp Nutrition Educa­tion (FSNE), are two federal/state partnerships that support nutrition education for the improved health of limited-resource audiences. This program can only work if the communities know that they are in exitance. These programs have peer-educator which uses interactive teaching model. This makes the education more relevant and will also assist with the cultural aspect. (EFNEP). The nutrition program is only as effective as the persons’ willingness to understand the relationship between their diet and its direct impact on their health. Nursing cannot only be a one discipline to educate but along with educator’s, nutritionist and we can reduce these growing number of the malnourished in the United States Spector(2004). References Spector, R. E.(2004). Cultural Diversity in health and illness(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Health

(this is my classmates paper, if you can provide me with a reply to her question)


Traditionally, nutrition programs were targeted to the indigent and poor populations in developing countries. Many of today’s Americans are malnourished also, but they are inundated with unhealthy foods and require a multidisciplinary approach to nutrition education. What would be the three most important points to include in a public nutrition program? Provide current literature to support your answer and include two nutritional education community resources.

The effectiveness of a public nutrition program depends on its ability to effect behavioural change in members of the public on their eating habits by informing them of the relationship between diet and health (Jones, Nobles & Larke, 2006). Most people who fall victim to malnourishment either do not understand this relationship or they generally know but chose to ignore. Hence, an effective nutrition program should be able to inform people on their caloric needs, weight management activities through physical exercises and benefits of eating fruits and vegetables. While the body needs calories for energy, consuming too much of them has been identified as one of the leading causes of malnourishment where the body is not getting all the nutrients it requires (Shook et al., 2014). For those that cannot afford all the nutrients, physical activity can help them in weight management as it burns the excess calories taken. However, for those that can afford fruits and vegetables they are advised to include them in their meals in good quantities as they contain numerous nutrients (Rodriguez-Casado, 2016).

Answer preview  Traditionally, nutrition programs were targeted to the indigent and poor populations in developing countries

Traditionally nutrition programs were targeted to the indigent and poor populations in developing countries


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