Must we go through all the stages in Erikson’s theory

Must we go through all the stages in Erikson’s theory

This assignment includes essay questions that require you to cite evidence or research to explain/support your answer.

Your essay answers must be in your own words with paraphrasing properly source credited. Quotes in lieu of answering in your own words will not receive points.

Please submit your responses as a Word document (.docx file). Make sure to number your responses so your instructor will know where one response ends and the next starts. It is not necessary to rewrite each question in your document.

Each response is worth 20 possible points. Please see the attached Rubric for the grading schematic that will be used to evaluate your responses. Your responses should be approximately one-half to one page each (double-spaced) for a total of three-six pages (not including Title and References Pages if you choose to include them).


1. Must we go through all the stages in Erikson’s theory? In Piaget’s theory? Explain.

2. How is the therapeutic approach of Bettelheim to autistic children similar to the child-rearing philosophy of Gesell?

3. If Rousseau were alive, how highly would he regard Schachtel’s work? Explain.

4. a) Contrast the positions of Bandura and Chomsky on how children develop language.

b) How does either evidence on “motherese” OR on creoles bear on this debate?

5. Today’s standards movement implores all of us to do a better job of preparing children for the future. What does Crain, the textbook author, say about this goal?

Answer preview Must we go through all the stages in Erikson’s theory

Must we go through all the stages in Erikson's theory


921 words