For this assignment, start by typing up a double-spaced, 10-line summary of Yglesias’ article.

For this assignment, start by typing up a double-spaced, 10-line summary of Yglesias’ article.

For this assignment, start by typing up a double-spaced, 10-line summary of Yglesias’ article. This is practice, so just freewrite your retelling of his article in your journal, then type it up and revise it to a single ten-line paragraph. Remember: Lines are not sentences. Count the lines. Ten is just an arbitrary number; the point is to practice revising to a particular length. Once you’ve got your summary paragraph, type up your list of annotations. There were 22 paragraphs, so you should have 22 annotations. For the list, create two columns, 1-11 and 12-22, and type up your three-word phrases. (Google for a video on how to create columns using your word processor.) Use only nouns, verbs and adjectives in your annotation phrases. And remember: no lists for annotations, just three-word phrases. Reduce the font size of your annotation list to 10 so that everything fits on one page. Keep the memo heading and 10-line paragraph as 12-pt font. Match the format of the attached visual model, following as well the general format instructions provided in the syllabus

post_trump_election_analysis m4_reading_hw__sum___annos_ (1)

Answer preview For this assignment, start by typing up a double-spaced, 10-line summary of Yglesias’ article.

For this assignment start by typing up a double-spaced 10-line summary of Yglesias’ article.


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