Identify alternative scenarios or business models of what the project will entail

Identify alternative scenarios or business models of what the project will entail

Follow the guideline/outline provided in the attachment in the development of a feasibility study for the proposed business.

The proposed Business is: Maté Tea Shop. (It is kind of a coffee shop where instead of coffee Maté tea is served. You can see the following link to get an idea of what it is about:……

Description of the Project

Identification and exploration of business scenarios.

Identify alternative scenarios or business models of what the project will entail, how it will be organized, and how it will generate profits. These may come from the idea assessment or market assessment that you may have already completed.

Eliminate scenarios that don’t make sense.

Flesh-out the scenario(s) that appear to have potential for further exploration.


Answer preview Identify alternative scenarios or business models of what the project will entail

Identify alternative scenarios or business models of what the project will entail


1780 words