The term paper topic will be on the issues relating to international trade.

The term paper topic will be on the issues relating to international trade.

The term paper topic will be on the issues relating to international trade. It should include facts about international trade from history, where and why it began, the ways of trade, advantages and disadvantages and the different types of international trade.

Here is the list of references I sent the professor. If any are useful, please use them. If not I will just tell the professor none of the ones I originally chose were helpful to me.


Hill, C. W., & Hult, G. M. (2017). International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace. New York: McGraw Hill Education.

International Trade . (2008). Retrieved from…

Issues of International Trade. (2017). Retrieved from fte.org

Kling, A. (2008). International Trade. Retrieved from Econlib:

Richards, J. (2010, June 2). The Economy Hits Home: International Trade . Retrieved from…

Shah, A. (2014, September 28). Trade, Economy, & Related Issues. Retrieved from Global Issues :…

Soergel, A. (2017, November 20). International Trade . Retrieved from USNews:

Answer preview The term paper topic will be on the issues relating to international trade.

The term paper topic will be on the issues relating to international trade.


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