Your capstone class is only 9 weeks long, within which you really only have 7 weeks to write the document itself

Your capstone class is only 9 weeks long, within which you really only have 7 weeks to write the document itself

Your capstone class is only 9 weeks long, within which you really only have 7 weeks to write the document itself. Based upon what you read in the assignments for this module in addition to what you know about the IRB requirements, comment on the suitability of survey research in the capstone. Do you think it is a practical option? Why or why not?

Post your response (maximum 400 words) in this forum, and then comment on at least two other posts.

Answer preview Your capstone class is only 9 weeks long, within which you really only have 7 weeks to write the document itself

Your capstone class is only 9 weeks long within which you really only have 7 weeks to write the document itself


439 words