Discuss the main reasons why a business should or should not be involved in political discussions or take a political stand.

Discuss the main reasons why a business should or should not be involved in political discussions or take a political stand.

Discussion 1. Business and Government Relations

Discuss the main reasons why a business should or should not be involved in political discussions or take a political stand.

Discussion 2. “Fast Food Franchise”

Choose two fast food franchises, such as McDonalds and Burger King, and examine their facility layouts. Compare and contrast both food franchises, and discuss the differences in their layouts.

Evaluate how each of the layouts enhance or hinder productivity and the customer experience. Support your answer

Discussion 3. “Evaluating Supply Chain Performance

Choose a company that sells a service or a product. Evaluate its supply chain performance effectiveness in terms of responsiveness, technology, and customer-related measures.

Determine at least three areas of effectiveness and three areas of deficiencies that can impact the competitive position of the company you chose in Part 1 of this discussion. Suggest ways the deficiencies can be improved. Provide at least two examples to support your answer.

Answer preview Discuss the main reasons why a business should or should not be involved in political discussions or take a political stand.

Discuss the main reasons why a business should or should not be involved in political discussions or take a political stand.


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