What are the keys to being a more effective leader

What are the keys to being a more effective leader

In the introduction of Strengths Based Leadership, Rath and Conchie ask, “What are the keys to being a more effective leader” (Rath & Conchie, p.2)? According to the text, a team of experts was assembled to address this question and they produced three key findings:


The most effective leaders are always investing in strengths.

The most effective leaders surround themselves with the right people and then maximize their team.

The most effective leaders understand their followers’ needs (Rath & Conchie, pp. 2–3).

What do you think of these findings? Do you agree or disagree with these conclusions? Why? Describe how you have seen each of these keys used by a leader. Could that leader be you? If so, describe how you used these keys.

Special Instructions:

Create a 1 page essay according to the instructions above. Use 2 academically reviewed sources for references. Be sure to utilize in-text citations.

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What are the keys to being a more effective leader


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