Once all elements of the Marketing Plan have been completed, the final part of the Marketing Plan

Once all elements of the Marketing Plan have been completed, the final part of the Marketing Plan

Once all elements of the Marketing Plan have been completed, the final part of the Marketing Plan Project is to create a narrated PowerPoint presentation summarizing the project. This means you will need to record and embed a narrative for each of your slides; i.e., say what you would say if you were presenting in front of a live audience. As such, you will need to attach a microphone/headset with microphone to your computer to record the audio. Prices will vary, but an inexpensive headset with microphone will work fine. You will also need recording/editing software. There are many free audio recording/editing software packages available on the Internet. Just search for, select, and download the one you want to use and follow the instructions for recording/editing audio. Instructions for how to embed audio to your presentation can be found by using the PowerPoint help feature. Click Microsoft’s PowerPoint Narration Guide for additional resources. As a general guideline for creating the presentation, DO NOT copy and paste blocks of text into a slide; rather, use bullet points to summarize the point and elaborate in the narrative. The number of slides will vary; however, the general outline should be followed:  Cover slide – your name and name of project  2 slides for SWOT – one internal, one external  1-2 slides for product description  1 -2 slides for features and benefits  3-4 slides for segmentation – one slide for each segment  8-10 slides for IMC – two for each of your four IMC action items. One slide should be the IMC chart, and the other slide should a visual example or mock-up (where applicable).  A closing slide of your choice  References slide (if necessary) following APA format You may add additional slides if you wish, but be sure to cover the content listed above. Narrate your slides just as if you were presenting them in a classroom. Be brief, but provide enough narrative that your classmates understand your project. Do NOT read the slides. Instead, tell the story of your project in a conversational, yet professional, style. Your presentation should be formatted professionally, free of grammar and spelling errors, and use only appropriate and relevant art or photos.

Answer preview Once all elements of the Marketing Plan have been completed, the final part of the Marketing Plan

Once all elements of the Marketing Plan have been completed, the final part of the Marketing Plan

13 slides