Select someone to interview about your personality and skills. The interview can be as simple as a phone call or email

Select someone to interview about your personality and skills. The interview can be as simple as a phone call or email

Select someone to interview about your personality and skills. The interview can be as
simple as a phone call or email, but the person must be a trusted adult who really knows
you (for example: one of your parents or grandparents, an aunt or uncle, a friend of your
family, the parent of a friend, your boss, a teacher, a coach). Don’t choose someone you’re
known for six months or who is your own age. They do not have the perspective that can
help you.
 Show or describe the results of your test to the trusted adult you are interviewing. See if
he/she agrees with the assessment.

Answer preview Select someone to interview about your personality and skills. The interview can be as simple as a phone call or email

Select someone to interview about your personality and skills. The interview can be as simple as a phone call or email


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