Part One: Discussion (Listening and Self Perception)

Part One: Discussion (Listening and Self Perception)

Part One: Discussion (Listening and Self Perception)

Watch this video first: Tracey Miller


You can use any video search engine you prefer. Just search Tracey Miller on Greta Van Susteren.

Now watch this video: Sheila Jackson

You can use any video search engine you prefer. Search Greta with Sheila Jackson-Lee: “You’re not listening – Again!”

Answer the following questions:

How did you think the woman with cancer, Tracey Miller, perceived herself?

How do you think the representative, Sheila Jackson-Lee, perceived herself?

Did self-perception have an effect on each person’s listening skills?

Critique the interpersonal communication from one of the clips based on self-concept and recommend appropriate communication behavior for one of the participants.

Create a plan, which you would use to talk to either Tracey Miller, or Sheila Jackson-Lee that will help them with their listening skills.

Examine and evaluate at least 1 other students plan for Tracey Miller or Sheila Jackson-Lee and provide feedback.

Part Two: Course Project – LEVEL TWO – Assess Living

Re-watch your movie (Its A Wonderful Life) then select a 10 minute scene and evaluate the listening techniques of the main characters. Point out the good listening techniques from the book, and assess the effectiveness of the perceived listening. Describe the following:

What was the topic which was being addressed?

What level of listening was being used?

What internal/external barriers to effective listening were observed?

Hypothesize how these barriers could be overcome.

If you were to counsel one of the lead characters, what listening goals would you give for him/her? Explain.

Cite all references correctly using APA.

Assess the culture of the characters in the movie:


What was the culture of the main characters of the movie?

How does the main characters culture relate to members of different cultures?

Was the main characters culture one that he/she was raised with or was it chosen by the character?

Find three elements concerning culture from your text and apply them to the movie, make sure you cite your source(s) using APA.

Answer preview Part One: Discussion (Listening and Self Perception)

Part One: Discussion (Listening and Self Perception)


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