In this essay, you will reflect on what you’ve learned in this course and what you’ll take with you into more advanced study and your professional lives.

In this essay, you will reflect on what you’ve learned in this course and what you’ll take with you into more advanced study and your professional lives.

The final Essay will be a 3-4 page, MLA formatted course reflection with in text citations. In this essay, you will reflect on what you’ve learned in this course and what you’ll take with you into more advanced study and your professional lives.

Begin with a “Big Idea”: Your Main Claim: By now, you know that whenever we write academically, we have to begin with a main claim or a strong organizing main idea. These”big ideas” focus our essays.

Introduction Paragraph:

The introductory paragraph will provide necessary context for your main claim. It should draw the reader in with an engaging opening. This essay is not argumentative, so you don’t need to introduce authors at this stage or present opposing sides, but you may choose to introduce one or more authors if they help you provide necessary context for your main claim. Mostly, you’ll want your readers to understand why this big idea is important in strong academic writing. The introductory paragraph will logically lead to and include your main claim.

Answer preview In this essay, you will reflect on what you’ve learned in this course and what you’ll take with you into more advanced study and your professional lives.

In this essay, you will reflect on what you've learned in this course and what you'll take with you into more advanced study and your professional lives.


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