Write an essay that argues why single sex education is no longer useful and back it up with three different claims on why.

Write an essay that argues why single sex education is no longer useful and back it up with three different claims on why.

Write an essay that argues why single sex education is no longer useful and back it up with three different claims on why. In addition to that, find two opposing views that will help refute the opponents argument (I will list claims and opposing views to go off of below). Then, make concluding statements in refutation of the counter-argument. Find evidence for each of the claims and use 4 different library sources from websites like ProQuest and EBSCO. For the introduction paragraph, make sure to create a strong hook. Be aggressive with the argument and do not make it sound too factual. Please do not repeat too many phrases as well, except some in the conclusion of course. I would like it to be a full 4 pages if possible but 3 1/2 will work as well. Write in size 12 font, Times New Roman.

Answer preview Write an essay that argues why single sex education is no longer useful and back it up with three different claims on why.

Write an essay that argues why single sex education is no longer useful and back it up with three different claims on why.


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