What is hegemonic masculinity? Describe an example of hegemonic masculinity that you have seen in the last week, either in your personal interactions or in the media.

What is hegemonic masculinity? Describe an example of hegemonic masculinity that you have seen in the last week, either in your personal interactions or in the media.

Part one

For this discussion, review the educational video Tough Guise: Violence, Media, & the Crisis in Masculinity (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. , the slideshow Hegemonic Masculinity in Television Advertisements (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., and this short article (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. about a new category of urban masculinity: lumbersexuals. If you need extra help for this discussion, be sure to check out the many resources listed under “Recommended Resources” above.

Next, answer the following questions:

What is hegemonic masculinity? Describe an example of hegemonic masculinity that you have seen in the last week, either in your personal interactions or in the media. How do these media messages impact your own sense of your gender presentation? Do you feel that tend to follow the gender norms of our culture? How or how not?

How does the traditional version of hegemonic masculinity harm boys and men? Women and girls?

Answer preview What is hegemonic masculinity? Describe an example of hegemonic masculinity that you have seen in the last week, either in your personal interactions or in the media.

What is hegemonic masculinity? Describe an example of hegemonic masculinity that you have seen in the last week either in your personal


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