Write up your MSE for Carl based upon his interview with Dr. Sommers-Flanagan.

Write up your MSE for Carl based upon his interview with Dr. Sommers-Flanagan.

4- to 5-page paper in which you:

Write up your MSE for Carl based upon his interview with Dr. Sommers-Flanagan. Be professional and concise for all nine areas.

Explain the presenting problem for the referral and the identifying descriptors for Carl.

Identify any areas in your MSE that require follow-up data collection.

Explain how using the cross-cutting measure would add to the information gathered.

Analyze the quality of the MSE interview between Dr. Sommers-Flanagan and Carl. In your analysis, consider the following questions:

What are the strengths and weaknesses in how Dr. Sommers-Flanagan conducts the interview and his variations from the formal MSE?

What impact does the use of these skills seem to have on Carl?

How do the skills affect rapport?

Do Carl’s answers add to your ability to diagnose him in any specific way? Why or why not?

Explain how you would respond to Carl. In your explanation, consider the following questions:

What concerns would you have about Carl’s mannerisms in the interview or his spontaneous content and unusual beliefs?

How would you address these mannerisms and beliefs?

Would you discuss them with Carl now or in the future? Why?

Answer preview  Write up your MSE for Carl based upon his interview with Dr. Sommers-Flanagan.

Write up your MSE for Carl based upon his interview with Dr. Sommers-Flanagan.


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