Watch the movie “Do the Right Thing.” It is available at the Swank video database.

Watch the movie “Do the Right Thing.” It is available at the Swank video database.

Watch the movie “Do the Right Thing.” It is available at the Swank video database.

Watch the movie and answer the following questions. When you watch, keep track of the time stamp, which is when something in the movie happened.

No time stamps will result in a withdrawal

1. This film addresses the camera at one point, with many characters talking to the viewer. When does it happen, and why do you think Spike Lee did that?

2. The film is noted for its color. Cite three examples of when the color in the film caught your eye and explain why.

3. Provide three examples of three shots during the movie you like the most and why? Time stamp them.

4. Do you Mookie is a hero, a villain or both? Why or why not? Cite a few examples (you don’t have time stamp these).

5. Do you think this film would be popular with today’s audiences? Why or why not? How could it be more popular with today’s audiences? What was the main reason – or what were the main reasons – you liked or didn’t like the film?

Answer preview Watch the movie “Do the Right Thing.” It is available at the Swank video database.

Watch the movie "Do the Right Thing." It is available at the Swank video database.


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