Read the paper titled as “Does Vocational Training Improve Business Practices Among Individual Microenterprises

Read the paper titled as “Does Vocational Training Improve Business Practices Among Individual Microenterprises

Read the paper titled as “Does Vocational Training Improve Business Practices Among Individual Microenterprises?” Answer the following questions: 1) (5 points) What is the main idea of the paper? What are the research questions? (4-5 lines)

2) (2.5 points) What are the outcomes or dependent variables?

3) (2.5 points) What are the explanatory or independent variables?

4) (10 points) Go to Table 4. Which parameter/s from section V is/are presented in Row 1 of Panel B and D? Explain the coefficients and comment on the statistical significance of the coefficients presented in Panel B and D. Structure of Answer: Panel B: First, which parameter from section V is reported? Second, interpretation of each of the coefficient. Third, statistical significance of each of the coefficient. Report if you find any discrepancy in the Table.

5) (5 points) Explain the overall findings of Table 4 in your own words.

6) (10 points) Now, Go to Table 5. Which parameter/s from section V is/are presented in Row 5 of Panel A and B? Explain the coefficients and comment on the statistical significance of the coefficients presented in Panel B and D. Structure of Answer: Panel A: First, which parameter from section V is reported? Second, interpretation of each of the coefficient. Third, statistical significance of each of the coefficient. Report if you find any discrepancy in the Table.

7) (5 points) Explain the overall findings of Table 5 in your own words


Answer preview Read the paper titled as “Does Vocational Training Improve Business Practices Among Individual Microenterprises

Read the paper titled as “Does Vocational Training Improve Business Practices Among Individual Microenterprises


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