Note below any extenuating financial and/or family circumstances you would like the scholarship committee to take into consideration.

Note below any extenuating financial and/or family circumstances you would like the scholarship committee to take into consideration.

we need to fill out this part of application. I live alone with my mom, have an amazing grades, GPA 4.1 and ready to get more experience. The program link is attached. Being in Financially hard situation we really need the scholarship so I can attend this program cuz it was my dream. Please mention that I attended Youth source program which is a program for highschoolers to earn some money in summer time. So I have a savings for tickets and some expenses but I need help with tuition.…

Here is the question:

Financial and Family Circumstances

Please note below any extenuating financial and/or family circumstances you would like the scholarship committee to take into consideration. Please also include the number of individuals who reside in your home as well as why you believe you are in need of a scholarship.

Answer preview Note below any extenuating financial and/or family circumstances you would like the scholarship committee to take into consideration.

Note below any extenuating financial and/or family circumstances you would like the scholarship committee to take into consideration.


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