Evaluate the importance of each major step in policy analysis as it relates to political choice.

Evaluate the importance of each major step in policy analysis as it relates to political choice.


“Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation”Please respond to the following. Note: Online students, please respond to the two bullets

Evaluate the importance of each major step in policy analysis as it relates to political choice. Next, debate if one would consider any of these steps more important than another. Provide a rationale to support your answer.

Consider Luther Gullick’s views on the division of work. Discuss the overall manner in which the division of work that Gullick espouses impacts the size of public administration. Provide two to three (2-3) examples of such an impact—or lack thereof—in order to support your response.


“Budgeting and Financial Management”Please respond to the following. Note: Online students, please respond to the two bullets

evaluate the level of the impact that political influence has exerted upon the budgetary process overall. Suggestthree to four (3-4) strategies that the managers could deploy in order to influence the budget process.

review the types of budgets presented, and respond to the following scenario:A friend who is a city manager once commented that he liked to put a so-called “radio” item within each budget—an item that would make a lot of noise and attract attention but could be “unplugged” easily. He said thatafter the council had focused all of its attention on that item and it was finally removed, the council would approve everything else with little question. Imagine that you are preparing a budget for presentation to the council. Propose two-to-three (2-3) tactics that you would use in order to attract attention to and distract attention from a particular line item.


“Human Resource Management“Please respond to the following. Note: Online students, please respond to the two bullets.

Take a position on whether or not the practice of the spoils system is evident within today’s public administration agencies. Provide two to three (2-3) examples of such evidence in order to support your response.

Review the information on Pendleton Act of 1883 located in Chapter 6 of the textbook. Hypothesize three to four (3-4) revisions that a law maker could consider in order to improve performance and eliminate political influence in today’s government agencies. Provide a rationale for your response.


https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/a (LINK TO AGENCIES)

“Designing and Managing Organizations”Please respond to the following. Note: Online students, please respond to the two bullets

Reconstruct the theories of Fayol, Weber, Taylor, and Gullick. Suggest two (2) ways in which the management process enhances organizational efficiency. Include at least two (2) examples to support your response.

select one (1) agency, and review its organizational structure. Next,infer whether the organizational structure is conducive to maximum efficiency and performance of the organization. Provide a rationale to support your position.


“Ethics of Public Service”Please respond to the following. Note: Online students, please respond to the two bullets.

According to the text, the Hatch Act defines prohibited activities of public employees. Analyze the significance of these prohibitions with regard to an individual’s political actions. Provide a rationale for your response.

Analyze the key ethical challenges of privatization. Take a position on whether the private sector should be responsible for program outcomes of a public program or service. Provide a rationale for your response.


“Leadership and Management Skills”Please respond to the following. Note: Online students, please respond to the two bullets.

Generate two (2) advantages andtwo (2) disadvantages of group decision making within the context of deciding how to spend revenue obtained from a new sales tax. Include at least two (2) examples of such advantages and disadvantages to support your position.

Review the main principles of effective listening, and select two (2) listening skills that you do well and two (2) listening skills upon which you could improve. Next, create a scenario in which you could implement the improvements that you have selected.

Answer preview Evaluate the importance of each major step in policy analysis as it relates to political choice.

Evaluate the importance of each major step in policy analysis as it relates to political choice.

1293 words