Writing Assignments # 4: Provide a Status Reports / Informational Memo

Writing Assignments # 4: Provide a Status Reports / Informational Memo

Writing Assignments # 4: Provide a Status Reports / Informational Memo (200 points @ 50 points each) in the correct format. Use the Memo Format on page 590 in your text, BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS TODAY . The Status Report (Informational Memo) will be submitted weekly as a PDF or Word Doc to your CEO (Instructor) addressing his questions or concern via CANVAS Assignments locate in each module.

The Report will be:

  • Brief (1-page, single spaced). PDF or Word Doc uploaded to CANVAS

In an Informational Memo format. Templates:Internal Information Report-1.jpg Internal Information Report-1.pdfPreview the document

Cover the key areas and objectives of lessons given.

Give a progress assessment in meeting key areas and objectives.

Present future objectives and opportunities.

Assignment Rubric Points
Compliance with all directions. 50%
Content was logical, well written, and demonstrated adequate topic research. 25%
No evidence of plagiarism. All sources properly sited. 25%
Total 100%

Answer the following question for the Boss…..


Great Presentation. I need you to begin to transfer your presentation to a Business Proposal. How are you planning to do? What is you outline for the proposal?

The Boss

Answer preview Writing Assignments # 4: Provide a Status Reports / Informational Memo

Writing Assignments # 4  Provide a Status Reports Informational Memo


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