Laws are all around us. New and old laws influence our everyday behavior.

Laws are all around us. New and old laws influence our everyday behavior.



Laws are all around us. New and old laws influence our everyday behavior. Laws are a

reflection of the values and beliefs of society. While society uses laws for positive, practical

reasons, many are outdated or faulty. Consider a law that you disagree with and explore the

reasons why you think that law is a bad/ ineffective/ inappropriate law.


Use your research skills to identify a law/bill/proposition (from the last 10 years) that you can

criticize constructively. Offer two distinct reasons why the policy is faulty or may result in

negative consequences for society. Define and explain the law prior to your criticism. Emphasis

should be placed on creativity, the elaboration of arguments, and organization of your different

parts of the paper (i.e. introduction, thesis, body, and conclusion).


1. Introduction: Describe the current problem

a. Describe the bill/ law. Offer background information including how it works, who

it affects, and why it was created in the first place.

b. Include a thesis. Try to summarize your criticism into one solid statement.

c. Preview your two arguments describing specifically why you think the bill/ law

deserves criticism.

2. Body: Develop a prima facie case

a. Offer your first criticism. Be sure to describe why the bill/law/legislation produces

negative consequences for society or a group of people.

b. Consider including evidence.

3. Body: Continue the prima facie case.

a. Offer your second criticism. Be sure to describe why the bill/law/legislation

produces negative consequences for society or a group of people.

b. Consider including evidence.

4. Conclusion: Summarize

a. Explain why the two arguments provided suggest that the bill should be changed/

repealed/ or altered in some way.


This paper should be 3-4 pages in length

Double-Spaced, 12 point margins

Answer preview  Laws are all around us. New and old laws influence our everyday behavior.

Laws are all around us. New and old laws influence our everyday behavior.


1135 words