How much does nature vs. nurture contribute to differences between Paula and Elyse

How much does nature vs. nurture contribute to differences between Paula and Elyse

Prepare for this post by listening to the audio clip from NPR’s “All Things Considered” – ‘Identical Strangers’ Explore Nature Vs. Nurture. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. After listening to the program and reading Chapters 1 & 2, explore the following topics in your initial post:

1. How much does nature vs. nurture contribute to differences between Paula and Elyse? Provide examples from the story and support from the textbook.

2. Why were the researchers so interested in studying twins raised apart? How does this type of study help us understand the nature vs. nurture debate? Provide examples from the story and support from the textbook.

3. Why were the results of the study never published? Why would a study like this never be allowed to run now? Provide examples from the story and support from the textbook.

Answer preview How much does nature vs. nurture contribute to differences between Paula and Elyse

How much does nature vs. nurture contribute to differences between Paula and Elyse


405 words