What do you think about the emphasis on examining and changing issues within the therapists’ family of origin?

What do you think about the emphasis on examining and changing issues within the therapists’ family of origin?

According to Jenny Brown in Bowen Family Systems Theory and Practice: Illustration and Critique (Links to an external site.) (.)

Consider and discuss the following:

-Would you view yourself as being able to use this approach to connect with a family?

-What might be an advantage of this approach?

-Is there any part of the Bowenian therapist role that you foresee might be a struggle for you?

-What do you think about the emphasis on examining and changing issues within the therapists’ family of origin?

Answer preview What do you think about the emphasis on examining and changing issues within the therapists’ family of origin?

What do you think about the emphasis on examining and changing issues within the therapists' family of origin?


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