How might this conviction affect Guy’s ability to continue living in the United States legally

How might this conviction affect Guy’s ability to continue living in the United States legally

Complete all assigned reading before attempting the assignment. Your answers must be based on the reading plus add some of your own insightful comments as well. Answer the following question(s) in one paragraph. Read pages 442-446.…

Guy, who was born in Haiti, has lived in Miami, Florida, for fifteen years and is a permanent resident, meaning that he has a green card. One night Guy gets in a fight with a neighbor and is eventually convicted of simple assault. Even if a judge sentences him to probation rather than jail time, how might this conviction affect Guy’s ability to continue living in the United States legally?


Answer preview How might this conviction affect Guy’s ability to continue living in the United States legally

How might this conviction affect Guy’s ability to continue living in the United States legally


401 words