Write a paper about special education

Write a paper about special education

Write a paper about special education

You will summarize your experience in a 500–750-word paper. Indicate the type of setting(s) you worked in and the duties you performed. In a detailed summary, describe the types of instructional activities you carried out, collaborative opportunities experienced within your placement, materials and resources accessed and how this field experience benefited your knowledge and understanding of children with exceptionalities.

Your field experience reflection must clearly tie your observations and the knowledge gained throughout this course together. You must use your textbook and at least 1 journal article outside of your textbook to support your learning experience.

This assignment must follow current APA guidelines and must include a title page and reference page. However, it is appropriate to use first-person language throughout this assignment.

Field Expeerience (Children with Exeptionalities)

Answer preview Write a paper about special education

Write a paper about special education


721 words