Change is constant and if you are working for an organization currently, you have likely witnessed some type of change occur

Change is constant and if you are working for an organization currently, you have likely witnessed some type of change occur

This week the interactive lecture focused on a series of instruments used in managing change. For your initial post, form a view on which instruments you find most attractive/helpful, describe the instrument, and explain why it is attractive or helpful to you in your professional work.

Cite at least two sources from the CSU-Global Library to support your descriptions.

200-300 words

Question 2

Change is constant and if you are working for an organization currently, you have likely witnessed some type of change occur. One of the most common methods to identify the need for change is Six Sigma programs. Here, Sigma leaders observe an organization’s current practices, then develop a plan to change the process in order to increase efficiency. In your current organization, have you noticed any processes such as this taking place? Please describe the program and what you believe were the benefits derived?

200-300 words…….

Answer preview Change is constant and if you are working for an organization currently, you have likely witnessed some type of change occur

Change is constant and if you are working for an organization currently you have likely witnessed some type of change occurAPA

529 words