Identify parts of the brain and biological systems of the body as to their function

Identify parts of the brain and biological systems of the body as to their function

We all ‘know” that some creatures (see below) are different than human beings. But what makes them different? What is different about their biological makeup? This exercise explores how these supernatural beings are different because of the make-up of their brains, nervous systems, endocrine systems, levels of neurotransmitters— their biological makeup. With this activity, you will identify how these beings are different in their thinking and behavior, and then determine the cause of those differences.

Completing this assignment will allow you to demonstrate that you are able to:

Identify parts of the brain and biological systems of the body as to their function

Describe neurotransmitters and their function

Organize and accurately present material, and

Apply APA formatting within the text and for end-of-text references, when appropriate.


Pick TWO of the following:





Incredible Hulk

Wonder Woman

Answer each of the questions below for both of the creatures you chose:

What is “different” about this being in the way they act, think, and feel? Be specific when describing what is different from human beings.

What parts (at least three) of their biology (for example parts of brain, CNS, PNS, endocrine system) are responsible for the differences? Explain in detail.

Identify neurotransmitters and hormones (at least two) that are responsible for the differences.

Answer preview  Identify parts of the brain and biological systems of the body as to their function

Identify parts of the brain and biological systems of the body as to their function


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